50% Of Clicks Happen Within 1 Hour Of Posting
How long do users interact with a Facebook post after it has been posted?
We looked at over 250,000 clicks on Facebook posts to better understand the life of a post. To see how a post fared over time, we found the percentage of total clicks that occur within each minute after posting.
This is what we saw:
The two times to note from the graph:
- 1 hour (62 minutes)
- 9 hours (550 minutes)
As we can see the graph initially drops steeply and within the first hour 50% of clicks have been clicked. At the 2 hour mark we begin to see the curve of the graph begins to slowly taper off. We see that 90% of the clicks happen within nine hours of posting.
In one hour 50% of the users who will engage with a Facebook post will have done so. >Tweet this<
*This article is part of our Engagement & Interaction white paper. (Download below, it’s free!)
We answer the questions that every Page Admin is asking with definitive answers from scientific analysis. We analyzed the top 20,000 Facebook Pages to find posting techniques that really work. It is free and quick to download. Get it now!
If you are a Facebook page admin looking for ways to increase Facebook engagement feel free to reach out to us: http://momentusmedia.com/publisher/index.php/momentus/contactus
cateogories: Analysis, Blog, Facebook, marketing, Techniques