
50% Of Clicks Happen Within 1 Hour Of Posting

author: Kyle date: August 10, 2011

How long do users interact with a Facebook post after it has been posted?


We looked at over 250,000 clicks on Facebook posts to better understand the life of a post. To see how a post fared over time, we found the percentage of total clicks that occur within each minute after posting.

This is what we saw:

The two times to note from the graph:

  • 1 hour (62 minutes)
  • 9 hours (550 minutes)

As we can see the graph initially drops steeply and within the first hour 50% of clicks have been clicked.  At the 2 hour mark we begin to see the curve of the graph begins to slowly taper off.  We see that 90% of the clicks happen within nine hours of posting.

In one hour 50% of the users who will engage with a Facebook post will have done so. >Tweet this<

*This article is part of our Engagement & Interaction white paper.  (Download below, it’s free!)

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If you are a Facebook page admin looking for ways to increase Facebook engagement feel free to reach out to us:

cateogories: Analysis, Blog, Facebook, marketing, Techniques

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    [...] the power of “recency” in a recent blogpost, where they presented research showing that 50% of clicks happen within an hour of posting. It’s a telling study, to say the [...]

  • David Worrell

    So Chris, using this we can come pretty close to calculating the “Speed of Virality”.

    According to your webinar, if we use a k=1, then how fast can we go from 1 user to 100? 1000? 1,000,000?

    * Start with one user
    * On average, the next click hits at 62 minutes
    * So roughly 24 serial users per day, right?  That’s 4 days to 100 and 40 days to 1000.

    But if you go to k=2, then things start to go exponential.
    Hour zero = 1 user
    Hour 1 = 2
    Hour 2 = 4
    Hour 3 = 8
    Hour 4 = 16.

    So by the end of day one, you have 2**24 (2 to the 24th power) or 16,777,216…

    That’s pretty awesome.

    I’d be interested to hear more about the macro issues you run into in this case.  If it’s NOT a one-and-done application, (and given some periodicity of repeat business) how fast can you really ramp, and how far can it go?  Any experience with pay-to-play apps in this regard?

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