Apps for Facebook Marketing. Which app should I use?

author: Chris date: October 25, 2010

Many clients ask us what Facebook Marketing apps should be used in what scenarios, so we’ve done an analysis of each app in our Publisher. We’ve split the analysis into three sections for each app: description, why you would use it, and examples.


Ask your fans a multiple-choice question. They can answer, share the question with their friends, and view the response distribution.

Why use it
We’ve found there are two important uses from Polls. #1 Hot topics/Controversial questions can go viral and grow the popularity of your page #2 Learning more about your fans.



Fans can digitally sign a petition with their name and email address and share the petition to get their friends to sign too.

Why use it
Petitions are effective for grouping people interested in a specific subject and gathering their emails.



Fans post a virtual object (eg. ribbon, button, flag,…) to their profile.

Why use it
Badges can be extremely viral. We had one badge posted 3 million times! For badges to be most successful, you must find a cause and object that people are passionate about. It would be an object that brings up feelings of pride and solidarity when posted.


Profile Pic

People set an image of your choice as their Facebook Profile Picture.

Why use it
The Profile Picture is the most prominent part of a user’s profile. It is great advertising for your organization if you can get them to set it as your picture. Users need to be passionate about the cause to go this far, so we recommend using the Profile Pic app around important events like elections and sporting events.



People contribute stories of experiences about your cause or with your product. Other users can read, comment on and share the stories.

Why use it
The Stories app gives your brand or cause great assets to share. You can pick some of the best stories to post back to your page or use in other marketing material.



Fans enter into a random drawing to win a prize of your choice.

Why use it
Sweepstakes have been used for years to generate buzz around products and services, and on Facebook they simply work better. They are a great way of growing an initial fan base and if used repeatedly continuing fan growth. Additionally, they will help you collect email addresses.



Fans submit text, photo or video submissions. The winners are chosen by popular vote or by the contest admins.

Why use it
While not a great way to grow an initial fan base, contests are great way to reengage and mobilize an existing base.

To be released soon on Publisher


Fans receive a special offer in their Facebook newsfeeds.

Why use it
Coupons are used as an incentive to get people to ‘Like’ your page eg. “LIKE our Page! Fans receive special offers!” Additionally, they will help you collect email addresses.

To be released soon on Publisher

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