Jerry Brown for Governor 2010: Fly the Rainbow Flag
The 2010 Jerry Brown for California Governor campaign called on Momentus to build viral momentum around hot campaign issues and to grow the Jerry Brown Facebook Page. Knowing that viral app windows can be short, we timed app releases along side important events during the campaign. The most controversial was the overturning of California Proposition 8. Prop 8 defined marriage as between a man and a woman and was a dividing issue in California. Within 8 hours of the overturning, we published the Fly the Rainbow Flag app to the Jerry Brown Facebook Page. The app let supporters celebrate the overturning by flying a rainbow flag on their Facebook Profiles and inviting their friends to do the same.
- 200,000 users and 100,000 flags flying within 3 weeks
- 30,000 Likes generated in 1 week (the Jerry Brown Page doubled in size in 1 week)
- 12.8 million Flag impressions
- Did we mention… Jerry Brown won the election.
cateogories: Case Studies