3 Types Of Facebook Promotions

author: Kyle date: July 7, 2011

In a previous blog post we sought to define and list the benefits of a Facebook promotion.  In this post we will talk about the different types of promotions their general cost, strengths and weaknesses. We  noticed 3 types of Facebook promotions.  They are:

  1. Give stuff away
  2. Create content to share
  3. Let users give stuff away

#1 Give stuff away Giving stuff away is a clear call to action to users.  Receive a promotion in exchange for an action. This can be done in three ways via, giveaways, contests or sweepstakes.

  • A giveaway is an action for prize or incentive.  It is great way to directly engage your fans as well as offer something they can share with their friends. Price: Variable
  • A sweepstakes is a game a chance where users enter into a pool where winners are selected randomly. While it is a great way to convert existing stream of users from another source such as an email list, we have not seen it to be very effective in sharing as they will interact with the sweepstakes once and not want to share the promotion as it will decrease the odds of winning. Price: $500-$20,000
  • A contest is a game of skill where a user enters a piece of content.  Winners are decided by a judging process. This maybe be difficult for users to be engaged as it requires a bit of challenge to enter a contest. Contests work well for brands with very passionate fans who want to share your brand. If the main goal is to generate content about your brand this would be the way to go. Price: $500-$20,000

#2 Create content to share In this case you are not giving something away.  What you are offering is really interesting piece of content that the user will want to share. Creating content to share can be done in two ways, making a baby with the user and me with respect to (wrt) your brand. You offer an really interesting piece of content that they will want share with their friends.

  • Making a baby with the user is when you take an attribute about the user, you take attribute about the brand, and you make a baby from the combination of the the brand and user that can be put back out and shared. These types are promotions are highly successful because they are both engaging and sharable. Essentially a brand can create massive brand advocates because you effectively become relevant and interesting to the user.   Price: $20,000-$100,000
  • Me with respect to your brand focuses on a brand attribute that it wants to get across.  This type of promotion is attaches abstract ideas to your brand. We tend to see this being not as engaging because does not have something specifically to do with your brand but still, highly sharable.  Price: $20,000-$100,000

#3 Let users give stuff away People love charities, causes and charitable giving.  It’s something people can really be passionate about.  Facebook is a great platform for people have these types of conversations. If a brand can interact with fans and friends of fans in regards to charitable giving, it will be a great way to make them look good, gain reach and run a successful promotion.  Letting users give stuff away can be done in two ways amplifying actions and most passionate causes win.

  • Amplify actions is when users are told to do a very simple action to do some good in the world which will be financially supported by the brand.  These are less engaging because they don’t have anything directly related to your brand however they are fairly sharable.  Price: $10,000-$1,000,000
  • Most passionate causes win is when users vote on which charity to give too. This type of promotions works well for brands where money or charitable giving is a major brand attribute.  They are very engaging because it gives the brand a parental image of being on the look out for charities and is highly sharable because it appeals to competition and passion.  Price: $100,000-$5,000,000

Like to know more about Facebook promotions? Learn more in our free webinar: “Choosing Facebook Promotions For Brands”

cateogories: Blog, Facebook, marketing, Trends

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