April 3, 2012
Creating an image out of text in ImageMagick is easy, if you have a static string. If, on the other hand, you have a string of varying lengths, and you want to keep the same font size, it’s an entirely different matter. The requirements: - Keep box height and width the same - Keep font [...]

March 27, 2012
There’s this evolution of the meaning behind “app.” From iPhones to Facebook, I encounter requests with increasing “appiness.” What is it? Or rather, what is it not? So the term app comes from “application”, and we all know you don’t really have any kind of fun in applications. You write term papers in one. Or, [...]
March 15, 2012
Want to add your application to a Facebook page’s tab? Use this url: https://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=YOUR_APP_ID&next=YOUR_URL Where YOUR_URL is the canvas url - the real site of the app on your domain (not the path in Facebook). More info: Apps on Facebook- Page Tabs. I posted this because I’m always searching for this link, and thought I’d [...]
March 9, 2012
Brand marketers rejoice, Facebook just gave you an immensely powerful toolset that was introduced last week at the Fmc. By now, you probably have a grasp of their implementation of timeline, ad tools, reach generator etc. In case you haven’t, here is a summary on Techcrunch on the “Key Takeaways From The Facebook Marketing Conference.” [...]
March 5, 2012
In case you didn’t watch the whole thing either, here’s a 1-minute summary of Josh Constine’s excellent post on takeaways from last week’s Facebook Marketing Conference. 1. Reach Generator FB is releasing an ad feature called Reach Generator that guarantees impressions of Page posts to 75% of a page’s fans over the course of a [...]
February 23, 2012
Facebook approached Momentus a couple of months back because members of the growth and engagement team were impressed by the way we designed and built social applications. Our apps have been installed by more than 100 million people and we’ve had the opportunity of working with some great brands. After months of discussion with Facebook [...]
January 11, 2012
We have a native mobile app available for quick and easy networking. Simply enter in the contact’s email, and a personal note (optional) and it will send a pre-formatted email with default subject and body copy. Setup the default fields before an event, then when you’re hand-shaking and making great connections, you can easily tap [...]
December 29, 2011
We analyzed 8 Facebook apps that we admin to see how the Ticker and Newsfeed compare in driving traffic to apps. Looking at the data in 2 different ways shows that the Facebook Newsfeed is about 100x more effective in driving traffic than Ticker. Our data set is 8 different apps totalling 67,000 installs over a [...]

December 29, 2011
We’ve written extensively about the “viral loop”. The viral loop describes how content flows organically through social networks. Since the launch of the Facebook Platform in 2007, “virality” has slowly become more and more difficult to achieve. This is for two reasons: Facebook has removed and tightened up viral channels. Social applications become less novel [...]

December 28, 2011
Lots of people are talking about social commerce as the ‘next big thing’. But since I don’t like to settle with hyped vagueries, I’d like to pull apart what exactly makes social commerce different than non-social commerce. All the research and work we’ve done in building sharable applications, we’ve found that people share things they [...]